The reality is that you can’t really separate the two. If you want to be able to defend yourself and you do!, then you need to be in good shape.Now, you do NOT have to be in good shape to start! That’s what we do – help normal people like you improve themselves everyday.
You’ll get to interact and work with other people who share your same goals and challenges, but you won’t be compared to them. This isn’t high school gym class – there’s no “pecking order”. It’s just a group of people working hard to achieve the things they never thought they were capable of. And you belong with them.
Whether Your Current Routine Isn’t Working, Or If You Haven’t Had a Workout Routine In Years
A Healthy body is a Strong body. So many people just want to “lose weight”, but they don’t realize that that requires building muscle. More muscle means you’ll burn more calories (even when resting), be more mobile, and look better.
Increased Stamina and Fitness
It feels terrible to be out of breath after even the slightest physical activity. After only a few weeks in our classes, you’ll have more energy, stamina, life and vitality than you’ve had in years (or maybe ever!)
Soaring Self Esteem
One of the most important things you’ll earn in our classes is a tremendously positive sense of self. But wait, this is Kickboxing class right? Right, but low Self Esteem, if we’re being honest, eats away at us deep, deep inside. It isn’t just about how you LOOK, it’s about how you FEEL. Doing something like Kickboxing will put you on a path to feeling your BEST.
You’ll be able to fend off the emotional onslaught of judgment from others, set appropriate boundaries in your work and personal life, and eventually, through conquering our Kickboxing classes, know that you’ve conquered yourself.
Group Support
The value of working through your challenges with a group of peers who are all focused on the same goals cannot be overstated. You WILL be held accountable, and this time you WILL achieve your goals. We (the instructors and other members) won’t let you shy away form the things you want to accomplish; we’ll be there every step of the way.